Wednesday, May 23, 2007


Today,I played badminton with yukari.

I think she is good at playing badminton!

I really had fun with her♡

Tuesday, May 22, 2007


I saw the TV program(PokaPokaChikyuKazoku) on Saturday.
and I found new thing about Mr.Harada.
Although he always told me "I'm 38 years old and I have no wife",(Of course,I had known it's a lie) his real age is 63 years old, and he has a wife(name;Marie) They are a nice couple.

Mr.Harada had been teaching at an elementary school in Hiratsuka Kanagawa
But formerly,he had been teaching at Japanese school in Beirut.
After that, civil war went worse,so he moved to Kuwait.
The last place where he was teaching in a foregh country is Holland.
All in all,there are 4 places where he taught,Beirut,Kuwait,Holland,and Japan.
Why he applied for foreigh japanese school is that he had been done volunteer( the Red Cross), so he wanted to make the most of international understanding which he had. When he was teaching in Hiratsuka,he also open japanese class for foreigh children who live in Japan.I also met them,talked with them.Impressive child is fromBolivia.

In 2004,he moved to シキホール island in the Philippine.
He owns the island for 5 million yen and he opended cottage.

He says,"hildren in thePhilippine are so cute and their eyes are shining.
But they are poor so that they can't go high school.
10 % of Money he earns by running cottage contribute to children.
Their school was no bathroom so I worked on the problem,and their school could be equipped with bathroom at last.I also painted wall of their school."

I had thought,"Someday I want to become a teacher like him!"
But after I watched the TV proglam,I thougut that I couldn't imitate him,and I couldn't become a teacher like him........

But I never never give up my dream so far.
Now he came back to Japan so I want to send him an e-mail and want to hear about his cottage and island and I want to talk about my dream.....

Friday, May 18, 2007

Summer plan

These days I have no holidays(of course,I had golden week but,I only had two days)

So I have already been looking forward to summer vacation
and I am also planning summer vacation.

My plan during summer vacation is to go to Hokkaido Hakodate by myself.
not with my family,not with my friends!only me.

As I told you before, I like japanese history ,especially to study Bakumatsu.
Hakodate is historic place because last battle happened which was between Meiji goverment and the shogunate government.
In Hakodate there is a park called Goryokaku which used to use as a military base of the shogunate government.Goryokaku is star shaped.It is really beautiful shape,I think.
so I really really want to go seeing Goryokaku.

In reality, I want to go to see an event called Goryokaku-sai.
but......the event is hold on May,this year on May 19th,20th.Tomorrow! Oh,no~!
I cant go there......I'm so sad.......I really really wanna go.....
Any way although I can't go to the event,I certainly will go Hakodate during summer vacation.
Of course I already have seen a map in Hokkaido Hakodate.
Before summer vacation has come,I'm going to plan carefully.

About goryokaku (wikipedia inJapanese)→五稜郭
About goryokaku event→

Thursday, May 10, 2007


I think for each person,there is a man who influences your dream.
Of course for me, there is a man who did my dream.
It is Mr.Harada called DA-(ダー)sensei (^^)
He was a home-room teacher when I was an elementary schoool student.
and he was a very very active man and had many ideas.So I had a lot of experience through him. It was precious time.
For example,I grew kenaf with him,and I stood at Hiratsuka station with my classmates to do a campain to raise fund which is for poor children in the world.I did many many things.All of the things are from his suggestion.

Now,he has lived in Philippine Islands and opened a cottage for tourists.He is also acting for poor children in the Philippins.He is a really aggressive man!
I was naturally influenced by his thought little by little,and I became to think that in my future,I certainly will become a teacher! Education is very important!

May 19th on Suturday, he'll appears on television.The program is "poka-poka chikyu kazoku ぽかぽか地球家族"which start at 6:30.Please check this out!Of course,I'm going to watch TV!('-^*)/ ta-no-shi-mi!
p.s please check this home page,too. →

Thursday, May 3, 2007

ε=ε=ε= ヾ(*~▽~)ノ

Are you enjoing your holidays?
I think you are.
On my part ,I am relaxing at home.(^^)

These days I had no holidays because I have to go to university Monday to Friday
and I have to do part-time job onSuturday and Sunday.
Part-time job is am9:00-pm17:00.
So I really had felt tired.(I have no physical and spiritual strengh)

homework irritated me,too. (・・;)

But now I 'm happy because I can make myself at home in golden week.
I can sleep all day long!(@ ̄ρ ̄@)zzzz
I don't have to do anything!

To tell the desire I want holidays more.
I'm looking forward to a summer vacation now.haha.

After G.W finish,I want to know about your holidays.

Please tell me in Japanese
Well,see you again next week bye!
